Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A splash of fun! :D

These past week has been sooo crazy, I tell you! If you are following me regularly, you would know that I used to blog almost every day since I arrived here and then I just vanished! Deepest apologies to all you awesome people!
Last week was O'week for us, International Students of University of Newcastle (O'week= Orientation week, but I'm sure you figured it out- genius! ;) )
 I already wrote about Monday of O'week here!
Here's what happened on Tuesday!
It was supposed to be this Amazing Race kind of thing. I didn't really like running much,  let alone participating in a race! But I was at the campus that day, opening a Bank account and all, and so I just went to Bar On The Hill, where it was supposed to start, because, well, the leaflet said it was a great way to make new friends and I had none at the moment (Well, I did have some, but all of them were Nepalese and I wanted more International friends ;)) .
Wish Granted! I was out in a group where there was a French Girl,(  Felicie') two Zimbabwe girls, (Primrose and Bianca) Koreans, (Jiin, Jieong, Huun and Grace), Australians (Ashley, Ryan, Stuart) and an American (Emma).

The Red Roses, right before the beginning! 
So we were told to find different places on campus and complete an activity in each place. (No running! :D)  Off you go with us!

Stop! Yeah, here are we are, at the circus! Do some awesome turning the plates, if you please! :D

Off again!

At the Heritage place, somebody has to juggle! Primrose comes forward! :D

Here we are, near the tallest man on campus! :D

Next stop, Health services! This is the amount of alcohol we were supposed to have had! Every one got a number. (We didn't actually drink alcohol, we just got these weird goggle kinda glasses that made our vision blurry. The higher number we got on the piece of paper, the blurrier glasses we got!)

Left to right: Me, Felicie and Grace

Ashley wearing her goggles- All set!

Wow! Stuart's good!

He's walking right on top of the line. He isn't so drunk :P lol

Look at me, handling alcohol so well!  (Again, we didn't actually drink alcohol. But wearing the goggles almost made me feel drunk, because the line was moving! No kidding!)

All of us, with the gifts from the Health Services which included a"party smart" drinking glass which had the "OK amount to drink" labelled on them for Beer, Wine, Spirits, blah blah! (I wouldn't need it, so it's stowed in the bottom of my cupboard, as a souvenir! :D) 

Here we are, at the Hunter Building!

And now we are at The Forum (Sports! :D)

Ryan's an expert at rock climbing! :D

Grace shooting some hoops! I shot and I scored the first time! Beginner's luck ;")

Tae Kwondo! 

Ashley was the cameraman because she was wearing skirts, there was no way she could break a  brick with a kick! But I did! (No pics though! :( )

Just a  quick snap of the Uni Pool! It IS huge, I tell you! :D

After the race, at Bar On The Hill.

BBQ dinner at Bar On The Hill

Well, that ends one of the best days of my uni life so far! Hope you guys had a great time too! :D Catch ya later with some more updates! :D Homework calls! Toodles!


  1. This Adventure story book about Uni Life is great to read. Hope to See Every Week a Chapter to read.

    1. Hehe thanks! I will try my best to update atleast once a week. But if it's a slow week, I can do it more often! :D

  2. Awwwn!!
    J Bulb burninn bright!
    I sooooo wish I was there with yuu!
    Miss yu so damn mch!!

    1. Well, u can always come! :D
      Miss you too! <3
