Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December Blessings! (Materialistic, of course!)

It's the last Thursday of December, which, for me has been one of the best months of my life. So much happened and so many memories were made with so many lovely people (Raid, Ahu, Nuzu, Aksam and Een, you guys are all on the list! <3 )
But that's not what this post is about. This post is about the stuff I received from people in December and the stuff I bought on my December shopping spree.

  So the first one is these cute little bangles that I got for my baby sister, Shiuth (Photo below ;) ). The minute I saw them, they reminded me of her! They were just so her that I simply HAD to get them! :D

Next comes the brooches. Many of you might know Nyz Choice on Facebook.If you don't, and if you want to check out the cool things she sells, here's the link (Thanks, Shaha, for the idea ;) )

 She has the cutest of brooches which are well within all of our budgets. Because I saw so many beautiful brooches on Facebook, I decided to visit her and see them for myself. One whole wall of her room was stacked with boxes containing thousands of brooches. Since I was only interested in the long ones (I had plenty of short ones ;) ), she gave me about 20 boxes. I sat there for more than half an hour, not being able to decide which ones to buy, because ALL of them were just so beautiful! <3

I know, all of them are steel brooches, colourless. But that is how I like my brooches, thank you very much! ;) But I did buy one with colours, also from Nyz.
Event though my brooches are colourless, I like everything else fully coloured! The more colours in it, the better actually! :D So here are the bracelets that I fell in love with at first sight! Again, from Nyz!

Then there are the bangles that I got from Mausooma Miss, which were equally cute as well!
I saw these cute little bands that I was sure my younger sisters would love just so very much, as they did! Thanks to Nyz, I could make my little sisters very happy! :D
Shiura Mohamed Saeed, Shiu Baby, 1yr

Shirua Mohamed Saeed, Shirukko, 7yrs

Shiau Mohamed Saeed, Shiakko, 12yrs

Now it's the dresses. I got a sudden invitation to attend this wedding party of a friend of Raid and I did not take any party dresses with me  to Male'. With a mere 15 minutes to go before the party began, I rushed off in to the first shop I saw that I liked and grabbed two gold dresses (Gold was the dress code!) and hurried off in to the fitting room to try them on. The first one was OK, so I thought I would decide after wearing the other one as well. When I wore the next one, it felt so right!! I knew instantly that this was the dress I wanted! I had no idea which shawl to buy so I asked for the Sales Girl's opinion and she chose this spotted one. So, here's the dress!
Ps. That isn't the shawl I bought. This shawl is a gift from Mausooma Miss! And I think this goes much better with the dress :D

The next dress I bought, also was during a fashion emergency! It was DNP's anniversary and the dress code was red. I had already worn my red dress the day before so I needed a new one! Rushing off to the shops, this time it took me longer than just two dresses to find the perfect one. It was actually a tie between this red and black, super gorgeous party dress and the official looking, figure-complimenting, yet loose enough for my liking, office dress. Since it was DNP, I chose the office dress. (Raid also favoured the office dress! ;) ) 
The next one is a gift from the older sister I wish I had, Ahu! I never wore such dresses, but Ahu was my insipration to try new things and be as outrageous as I want! So here it is ;)
I swear it looks much better on me than on the hanger! ;)
And it's finally shoes! Mom asked me to buy shoes for my little sisters and here's what I could find, with the help of Raid, ofcourse! :D
Shiuk's shoes, so her, I must add! :D

Shirukko's shoes
This is again a gift from Mausooma miss! It's brown, leathery and sturdy- perfect for this rainy wheather! :D

And finally, the ones I bought for myself! For some reason, I was in the mood for the combination of Gold and Black ;)
Elegant-ness! :D

The ones I bought during the 15 minute shopping for that wedding party!
Last, but not least, my best buy of the month, the amazing, super awesome phone sticker that I love almost as much as pizzas and chocolates (Mostly because it defines me, with all the sparkles and colours!  ;) )
With all these Sparkles, glitter, colours, butterflies, hearts, flowers and everything nice, Adiós for now! :D


  1. love those brooches and shoes. You look great in the dress and your sisters are so adorable. I am so bookmarking Nyz's page. Thanks.

    1. Awnn Thanks! And my sissies' said Thanks as well ;)

      No prob! :D She has all sorts of amazing stuff like shawls, Bands, brooches, bangles and everything, and they are all so affordable, WAAAYY more affordable than in other shops and places ;)! :D
